8th Street is the primary eastbound corridor for many transit routes through downtown and a main east/west pedestrian thoroughfare. Pavement conditions and the desire to enhance the multimodal nature of the corridor necessitated reconstruction. The project includes a robust public engagement effort involving many agencies, neighborhood and business groups, advisory committees, and property owners and managers.
Design challenges included the presence of extensive public and private utilities, areaways, and curbside uses. Alliant led the effort to develop multiple layouts for consideration by the City and other stakeholders. Lane widths and curbside uses were designed to enhance the pedestrian experience while balancing the transit operations, parking and private curbside use needs. To maintain some critical private curbside uses while optimizing the walkable space the remainder of the time, innovative sidewalk treatments, mountable curbs, and buffering techniques were used to allow vehicles onto sidewalk spaces during loading and valet operations. ADA improvements, wider sidewalks, curb extensions, durable crosswalk markings, countdown timers, lighting, and streetscape elements are all part of this reconstruction.
American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota, 2021 Grand Award
Concrete Paving Association of Minnesota, 2021 Concrete Paving Merit Award