This $208 million design-build project includes the reconstruction or overlay and widening of 12 miles of I-35W in the Twin Cities metro. Roadway improvements include widening to accommodate additional MnPASS lanes in both directions, adding auxiliary lanes in multiple locations, and reconstructing or reconfiguring 13 interchanges. Reconstruction of five bridges; installation of seven noise walls; and construction of unbonded concrete overlay (UBOL) for significant portions of the existing roadway were also part of this substantial project. Environmental work includes construction of a closed median drainage system and associated water treatment facilities with two dry ponds, five wet ponds, two filtration basins, and one infiltration basin to provide water quality treatment of the new impervious area and maintain existing peak flow rates.
As part of the maintenance of traffic (MOT) design, Alliant value-engineered the construction staging plan and implemented an innovative Alternative Technical Concept (ATC) to improve the operation of parallel, crossing, and adjacent signalized arterial corridors. Alliant also provided ongoing intelligent transportation systems (ITS) work zone applications that deploy dynamic message signs (DMS) with real-time travel time displays at key decision points on the regional road system to provide drivers with alternative route information. This leading-edge idea reduced the number of vehicles within the construction zone during peak periods thereby providing a safer work zone for construction crews and the traveling public. The project was completed ahead of schedule in 2021.