This $60 million design-build project includes the design and construction of the Minnesota highway approaches to the new St. Croix River Bridge. The project scope is comprised of two miles of Trunk Highway (TH) 36 mainline, 1.5 miles of TH 95, a new interchange, a new overpass, and four miles of local roads. The project was schedule-critical for the delivery of the new river crossing across the St. Croix River, a nationally designated Wild and Scenic River. Extensive coordination between multiple design teams and external stakeholders was critical to the success of the project.
As the lead designer on the Ames Team, Alliant was responsible for all design management, engineering, environmental compliance, and design quality assurance. Our work included innovative stormwater management design to protect the river basin, a cost-effective spread footing design for the Beach Road Bridge, challenging geotechnical design in the fluctuating soil profiles, and the reduction of wetland impacts throughout the project corridor.
Despite a fast paced construction program, the team met all the aggressive schedule requirements while meeting the quality goals established for the project. In addition, all stormwater management goals were exceeded in the critical St. Croix River watershed.